You might look at these photos and say "Buuuuurrrrrrr." I say . . . hurry home Doug - I miss you! For the past 10 days, Doug has been here . . . on the Pipeline, in Alaska. It's a place called Deadhorse, Alaska in the Alpine area. The oil facility is owned by Conoco Phillips where he is doing a job. Doug is an engineer with Honeywell and helped design the fire alarm system which has been installed at this oil facility. In order to test and "get online" the new systems, Doug is required to be tested here and then be present for installation and testing of the system there.
After Thanksgiving, he will return for an additional 12 days to provide additional tech support for the system. His job is to design the panel boxes for these systems - it's pretty complicated but he's really smart and I'm very proud of him (specifically because he sent me photos of his dorm room at this place and it looks to be pretty harsh conditions - it's certainly no Marriott). He should be leaving there today and be home tomorrow by 3:30 (an entire 20 something hours of travel). I'll bet he'll want some WILD TURKEY for Thanksgiving?