Monday, March 16, 2009

I hadn't blogged in so long, I had almost forgotten what it was like. I've been stuck on Facebook lately but this is fun too. I like to post photos but it's easier to post photos on Facebook because they download faster and you can choose a wider variety to post. Anyway, you can't "blog" or talk about what fun you have, extensively anyway, on Facebook. It's just mindless chatter amongst old friends trying to catch up when they get a second to check their page from home or work while grabbing a sandwich at their desk (which is what I do). When I eat breakfast or lunch at work, I do Facebook - that's the only time I have time, oh and on the weekends and at night while I watch TV and sometimes in the morning (ut oh, it appears I'm obsessed?). On here, I am able to babble effortlessly much like I do in person - if you know me, you know this about me right? You needant answer that! Just enjoy these posts and the photos that go along side. These are from a few weeks ago in our Atlanta snow storm (if you wanna call 6 inches of snow a storm?)