Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love Is In The Air

Here is a great photo of us taken by our wedding photographer Javon Longieliere. You would never know it was about 30 degrees out that day - buuurrrrrrr. We can't wait for the wedding - it will be so much fun and the photos will be a huge treat!! Thanks Javon!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Valentine

My Valentines Day this year was more like a weekend festival of activities. Most of my weekends lately are centered around wedding planning, wedding errands and wedding-spending-money (is that a word/phrase?).

This year, we had Valentines Dinner on Friday night first with the kids so they would feel the Valentines "love" too - we went to Nagoya Japanese Steak House (the kids love to see the guy cook on the open cook-top and set stuff on fire), Doug and I ate sushi and made our list for our trek out Saturday.

Saturday morning, Doug made Abbey Grace chocolate chip, heart-shaped pancakes with "rip-cream" (that's how Abbey Grace says it), tiny chocolate chips, sugary strawberries and sausage links. Obviously, Zachary and I got to eat some too.

Doug and I went to dinner ALONE Saturday night to a place in midtown called Kyma. It's a Greek fusion restaurant. We had a 5 course meal with a wine paring. It was romantic and delicious and both of us have never been sicker. We were both up all night totally miserable from eating food we're not used to eating (oily, salty bad-for-ya kind of stuff). I guess I've been on Weight Watchers so long now that I've "cleansed" myself or something odd like that. I was ILL!

As the weekend ended yesterday evening, we were so glad our weekend was so full of love, kindness and family. We are excited about getting married and making our family more officially complete.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bright Shiny Smile AND Floors!

I wonder if anyone can tell my teeth are whiter today? Not because I had them whitened again this weekend but because I accidentally brushed them with Mr. Clean this weekend. Oh yes I did. And trust me . . . this could have happened to you - it's NOT because I'm blond (although I'm sure that is what Doug thought as he rushed to the sink cabinet to check the label on the bottle to see how badly I was poisoned).

So, I clean my engagement ring with Mr. Clean because that's what the jeweler told us he cleans it with. I bought a bottle of the stuff (the lemony fresh kind) and I keep a butter tub under my bathroom sink and an OLD tooth brush to scrub the ring with under there too. When it's time to clean my ring, I soak it, scrub it and rinse. I leave the tooth brush and butter tub out on my counter top to dry. When I brushed my teeth on Sunday, I grabbed the toothbrush that was laying out on the counter and scrubbed away! When I opened my drawer to toss it back in and saw my REAL tooth brush in there, I was like "wholly S*&T!!" - yeah. So, my teeth are fabulous, and my floors are clean and lemony fresh too (oh, and my ring is beautiful)!

44 Week Breakfast Sandwich

I don't like to talk about weight loss too much because I am on a life long struggle with my weight. I am constantly on Weight Watchers, on again, off again. I lose weight, gain weight, exercise, don't exercise. Sometimes I look good, sometimes I'm hugely obese. There are 44 weeks until I get married and to some, that sounds like a really long time. To me, it's a time bomb ticking, ticking, ticking. I watch my calendar, mark the days, I get on the scale, I see pounds come off, then they come back on. It's discouraging the older I get, the harder it is to lose.

I go to Weight Watchers every single week at my office (the "At Work" program) with my friends and we celebrate our accomplishments and usually, I'm pleased (I've lost 25 pounds so far) but these last few weeks, I've lost and gained the same stupid ONE POUND about 6 times. I'm discouraged.

This morning, I decided to add some spinach to my 4 point Weight Watcher breakfast. I always have a 1 point Weight Watcher English Muffin (toasted), a 1 point pc. of Kraft Fat Free Cheese, and a 2 point egg (nuked) - today, I added a bunch of fresh spinach to my sandwich to see if it would "do anything" (that's 0 points). Wish me luck. I have 44 weeks to lose another 35 minimum pounds (Weight Watchers says I need to lose more but what do they know?) I would blow away!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Snuggie

This picture is sort of blurry but it's still cute (it was taken with my Blackberry - sorry)

It is always good to stay warm. Especially when the temps in Atlanta drop to a mere 11 degrees and the wind chill is 1 degree. That simply isn't the "norm" for us suthunahs. Inside a nice toasty office building, you would think there, you would find warmth. Not really . . heat apparently rises in high-rise buildings and the necessity for air conditioning to be run (it seems) year round thus the ice chips on my nose and finger tips as I type and the same of my co-workers. We resolved the issue by purchasing a "Lot" of Snuggies - the latest "As Seen On TV" craze that is a blanket you wear and stick your arms through and still work, operate the remote, drink a beverage (even type)!! Once again . . . we're all warm here at Thompson Hine - nice and "Snuggly."