Monday, January 11, 2010

SlimPickin's Is Born

So, today . . . me and some friends decided to start our own weight loss blog. Yep, none of us have been able to stick to any sort of New Years Resolutions (which we all had) so, we hoped that while reading my cousin Lacey's weight loss blog (that she started with some of her girlfriends at CMT), we would become overly motivated. Here are some photos of us 4 below. I'll post the link to our new blog soon.

Kerry and Angie

Arlene and Michelle

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here is my dear sweet Abigail. She's prepped and ready to go to the children's program at church. She had a huge speaking part this year and I missed it due to the flu. Doug said she was brilliant (dah - he loves her too)!