Monday, December 29, 2008

If the Shoe Fits

We started out Christmas morning this year at our house by awaking to Abbey Grace whispering that Santa had in deed not flown over our house as Mr. Doug has instructed the night before due to behavioral issues. Apparently, during rest, she redeemed herself into the good Abbey Grace again and Santa miraculously left gift upon gift under the tree and around our living room for she and Zachary both despite the arguing that had consumed the halls the night before. If the shoe fits.
After we got the living room cleaned up, we headed to Augusta for the day with the family to spend then night with Sharon, Ed and the kids. Doug and I took a chocolate eclair cake, a Jamaican rum/fruit cake and salad to share. We had a delicious meal and stayed the night so we could stay up late to play Guitar Hero (way too much fun thanks to Honey and Pops for getting this for the kiddies for Christmas).

All the grand kids feet - if the shoe fits. . . .

Abbey Grace, Noah and Gage

Sisters (The Blair Girls) - Sharon and Angie

My sister and fiance Doug

Abbey Grace sporting her new UGA fleece.

I blew up my old crock pot a few months ago making a Weight Watchers recipe - this new one with the stay-safe lid will do nicely!! Thanks Mom and Dad!!


Zack looks less than thrilled to be up this early. Teens!

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