Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wedding Planning

I don't have any photos associated with this blog. I really don't have much to blog on lately unless you want to know about the endoscopy and colonoscopy I had done last week while I was out of work for 4 days. Those were real groovy - I felt like someone took a Brillo Pad to my throat and one to my rear-end. I also had an ultra sound to my kidney, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. The results you ask? I have a hiatal hernia in my esophagus and diverticulitis. Oh, I have a lesion on my liver too. My poor 40 year old bod is all tore up.

Ok - so, I got a wedding dress. I tried on 25 gowns (once I discovered Doug would have NOTHING to do with marrying me at the Court House this wedding has blown up into 125 guests already). Friends, family and the like, please put on your dancin' shoes because this is gonna be a good old-fashioned throw down!!

Doug has planned most of the soiree mind you - I'm just along for the ride of my life! He has reserved the reception hall himself (the Community House in Mansfield where we have our family reunions). He has drawn the lay-out and detailed everything on his CAD program. It's quite lovely. We've booked the caterer and Doug chose the menu (it's fabulous). I booked the photographer (engagement photos will be in two weeks with save-the-date cards going out the beginning of December including details of the wedding). Church is booked. Minister and organist are booked. Doug booked and paid for the honeymoon already. I got a gown. We have booked a DJ already. We have picked a "signature drink" for the event. The only thing we don't have is a florist. I'm currently working on that this week.

Hard to believe isn't it?

This time next year I'll be on my honeymoon!!

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