Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall Break to New Mexico

This photo is of the beautiful mountains taken as we got off the plane in El Paso Texas and drove from there to Las Cruces, New Mexico to see Doug's Parents.

We started our 10 day trip by flying to Indiana for 3 days to go to Dick Kimmel's Funeral (for those who don't know who Dick Kimmel is . . . he is Zachary's grandfather who died of lung cancer - Zack's Dad died of lung cancer in 2001 and Scott's parents Dick & Greta Kimmel have stayed very close to Zack and me since Scott's death). Greta remains in a nursing home so we visited with her for several days after the funeral and then flew from Indianapolis, IN to Denver, CO and then to El Paso, TX. Whew . . . .

This is Abbey Grace and Zachary after we checked into the "Rama-Don" (i.e., the Radisson) in Indianapolis. (Zack could NOT get the name of the place right). p.s. - sleep number beds are not all they're cracked up to be!

Zachary killed (de-headed) a rattle snake in Las Cruces at Doug's parents house.

I'm not sure why we're standing in front of a jewelry store here - we didn't purchase any jewelry!

La Posta in Historic Mesilla.

In Mesilla.

Abbey Grace at Cloud Croft standing at the Welcome Center of the White Sands National Monument.

This was awesome fun! We went to White Sands and sled down a 60 foot hill of sand (like on snow but sand) in the heat of the day (the desert) - it was the best fun the kids had (and me!)

White Sands National Park.

Bob Houck (Doug's Dad), Doug, Zachary, Me, Abbey Grace.
Helen Houck (Doug's Step Mom), Bob Houck (Doug's Dad), Doug, Me, Abbey Grace.

A most beautiful sun set on the drive home that afternoon after White Sands and Shopping all day long - the fun was had by all - what a beautiful family day!!
Guadalupe Mountains. BEAUTIFUL!

Stopped along side the road for random family photos on the way to Carlsbad Caverns.

Ok, I'm gonna give this one away because it's just too dern funny. My son thinks I'm "blonde" as it is . . . . right? So, we're standing on the road side having this awesome "family moment" - having our pictures made - smiling - wind in hair blah blah - all the sudden . . . . "MOM . . . . YOU'RE FLY IS OPENED!!!!" - Yep - click on the photo to enlarge it if you need a better look - sure enough - I apparently am having trouble in about 7 photos Doug took with zipping up my jeans! Not sure why I can't remember to zip my pants lately??
This one is cute . . . I have my pants zipped!
Everyone is zipped up here!

Zipped here! This is at Carlsbad Caverns going into the Entrance.

This is obviously inside the Caverns. One of the 7 wonders of the world and we got to see it. We can check that off our bucket list now!
Stalagmites and Stalactites.

Stalagmites and Stalactites.
Outside Carlsbad Caverns after a long day. We spent some time waiting on the Bat Flight Program at the end of the day which started at 6 p.m. or a little after. We got to see 500,000+ bats emerge from the Caves out into the night to feed. Talk about the most amazing thing we've ever seen!!
I have no comment here - it's self explanatory!


Katie said...

Wow, Angie - i can totally see why you had a hard time sorting through all of your pictures. These were really good. I cannot believe how big Zachary is... oh my goodness.

You look like you had a lot of fun. You definitely saw some great things and looks like a great family time!

The Fish Family said...

Loved all your photos - looks like a great vacation. Many of them reminded me of our trip out west when I was Zach's age.
So when will you ever take a photo again without checking your fly? :)