Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Zack's Broken Leg . . . Mom's Broken Heart

My big ole fella has a broken leg. Yep . . . a growth plate, hairline fracture of the tibia. Monday night at wrestling practice, another kid his age fell on Zack's leg and bent it backwards at his knee as it was bending and his tibia broke. At the emergency room, they sent us home with some pain killers and said there was nothing wrong . . . oops - guess since there was no radiologist on staff at the time, they mis-diagnosed the fact of how bad it was. For two days he agonized over the pain. We finally got him all fixed up though - here are the photos. Poor guy - no wrestling season for him but he'll be back on the football field in no time!


Katie said...

Oh no - how sad. I'm so sorry. :-( However, i must add that I am extremely impressed that you had a camera with you!! :-) Now that makes you an awesome mom!!

rachel said...

awww-that is sad-Poor Zack! I agree with Katie-what an awesome mom you are! oh by the way-Aunt Jean's birthday party looked like a blast!

Unknown said...

Awhh. I'm sorry dude! In the game pictures, doesn't look like you want to be there bro! Pretty upset huh??