Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bottling Beer 101

Is he in 8th grade or a freshman at UGA ???

Bottle capper extraordinaire!

Zachary learning to cap the bottles.

Doug showing Zachary how to cap the bottles with sterilized bottle caps.

Zack prays over the beer - he's a religious kid!

Not overly sure how to comment on this one - sorry.

Last night Doug and Zachary bottled the beer that has been fermenting for a little over a week now. Doug calls it "Sam Adams" and Zachary calls it "Zack's Brew" (not sure why a 13 year old would name a beer . . . that's my boy)!! Zachary will be 14 in 20 days - he mentioned to me that near this time next year, he will have his learners permit (I nearly fainted). My kid will be driving (and if you'll note from the pictures here, he also looks like he could put a few of these brews back). Prayers for me and Doug are requested and needed!!

Yum - can't wait to taste the ale. Thanks sweetheart!


cooks4fun said...

The number in the title, 101, does not indicate how many bottles of beer were capped, but I did come close. The actual number was 99. Hey! That reminds me of the song we all know so well. Ready?! OOOOOHH... 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer....

The Fish Family said...

Do you remember when Mimi got into her wine making? I remember once she tried banana wine just to be creative - add that onto Doug's thing to do list. :) YIKES! There's a reason you won't find that in the liquor store.