Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last Weekend

I haven't had time to blog this week because I'm so busy at work.

Before the 10:30 soccer game last week, Doug and I met with a wedding planner in Covington for several hours. I haven't really said a whole bunch (nothing really until now) about our wedding plans because we actually haven't decided exactly WHAT we're doing next year until recently. Until recently (the last week or so) we haven't had anything planned and now we have EVERYTHING planned. We decided not to use the wedding planner we met with and we're going with another wedding planner (someone in Atlanta). I honestly didn't want a wedding since I've had two - I sort of thought it was tacky frankly but Doug didn't have a wedding at all when he was married - he wound up at the Court house and he thought that was utterly tacky and has decided he wants to plan this event himself so we've both sort of gone wedding nutz again and already knocked the entire event out in a matter of about 10 days. It's not really hard to do - Doug and I should go into business . . . WHAT?


Last weekend we had a HUGE weekend of soccer, wedding planning and running errands out the Whazoo! Here are some pictures of last week's soccer game . . . .

Honey and Pops

Mr. Doug and Abbey Grace


Ok . . . after the soccer game we started back in on the wedding stuff . . . we took Mom to the old Mansfield United Methodist Church and have decided to be married there. It is where Popsie's parents went to Church (and his entire family) and where my Mom and her family went to church as children (where my Mom was baptized). Sharon and I also went to vacation bible school there as very young girls during our summer visits with Granny and Popsie to the farm. The Church was established in early 1903 and built shortly thereafter (approx.) - these are all guesses by the Minister and the coordinator. Being back there after 36 some odd years took my breath away to say the least - the smell was the same as well as the appearance. Here are some photos.

There is a stained glass window dedicated to my great-grandmother in the Church.

1 comment:

Javon said...

How awesome is that window. My grandmother is having some stuff dedicated to her at her church, too!