Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Abbey Grace Turning 6

So, when you ask a little girl what she wants to do for her Birthday Party and she says "have a Sponge Bob or Scooby Doo Party" and all you can think of is . . . . AGAIN? Then what?

I had no idea what to do for Abbey Grace's 6th Birthday this year until I was email chatting with one of my friends in PA and she told me she did a cake-decorating party for her little girl Grace and it turned out lovely. BAM . . . It was on!

This Saturday, I'm hosting 8 little girls (and a boy) to my house for a cake-decorating party for Abbey Grace's 6th birthday (her birthday is really the 15th but we'll do the celebrating this weekend). I went out of control and invited 13 girls, luckily some will be out of town because this has gone bonkers!!

I started with the above-invitations and it has spun out of control from here. Each little girl will get a 10" box, cake board, doily, a set of stickers (foam and non) to decorate their cake box with. Then, we'll move on to the cake decorating (and oh, they'll each get a tiny spatula with a lovely GA Bulldog themed bow around it - spatulas all in red and black - this a DAWG-gone-good party).

The tiny 6" cakes are two tier chocolate (baked them myself, two weekends in a row), popped them in the freezer until this weekend. Each kid gets a thing of white icing, a tube of red gel icing (again, gotta stick with the GA colors) and various sprinkles.

The girls can take home their decorated cakes, decorated boxes and spatulas. How delightful! Maybe the party will bring some inspiring chefs? Maybe just a huge mess for me to clean up? Stay tuned for photos . . . .

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