Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Real Deal

Here are some great pictures of Abbey Grace's "REAL" 6th Birthday from Tuesday, July 15th. I had to work during the day but when she woke up, Honey and I told her all about the day she was born, how I had my C-Section and how beautiful she was. How her big brother held her and rocked her, who all came to the Hospital to see her that evening. Then, she and Zachary, Honey and Granny went to the movies (she and Granny saw Wallie - sp?) and Zachary and Honey saw the new Indiana Jones movie. They spent the rest of the day at the pool. Abbey Grace wanted to go to Zaxby's for dinner so that's where we went and then had cake and presents at our house after work. It was a nice day again! Enjoy the pics!!

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